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Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) Before and After Photos

Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) Before and After PhotosOtoplasty or ear reshaping is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to correct the size and appearance of ears. During the pre-operative consultation, the surgeon will explain all aspects of otoplasty, and may also present otoplasty before and after photographs before the patient.

The first concern of a responsible surgeon will be to educate the patient about otoplasty and help them make an informed decision. Dedicated facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides otoplasty to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills CA, and surrounding communities.

What are Otoplasty Before and After Images?

Before and after images in case of otoplasty cosmetic surgery refer to pictures belonging to an earlier patient who has undergone the same procedure with satisfactory results. The pictures include images taken prior to the procedure and after the procedure at a stage when the post-surgical bruising and swelling has been resolved and full effects of otoplasty are visible.

The surgeon will take care to ensure that the photographs are obtained with the proper consent of the patient, and shown to new patients in a discreet way. The patient’s identity may be kept confidential as needed. The sole purpose of the surgeon behind this exercise is to use these photos as a visual aid to describe the potential effectiveness of otoplasty to new patients.

This will be mentioned down below again but the real turning point here is digital technology. Digital technology has revolutionized so many industries and the plastic surgery one is certainly one of them. Now patients can see with accurate detail what to expect in otoplasty or any other type of plastic surgery. Not only can patients see how this surgery will most likely turn out for them, they can make these comparisons and contemplate this during their own time from the confines of their tranquil home.


Ears are a key component of the facial appearance, and any cosmetic procedure to reshape the ears will naturally cause some anxiety for a patient. The patient would like to know how their ears and overall facial appearance may be impacted with otoplasty, and whether the procedure will meet their personal aesthetic goals.

Some patients may require only minor ear pinning, while some others may need substantial correction of shape and size, including addressing congenital defects. In each situation, the patient will be better placed to make the right choices when they have access to otoplasty before and after photos.

Keeping Realistic Expectations

Experienced surgeons believe that best patient satisfaction levels in any cosmetic procedure can be achieved when the patient has a positive frame of mind, clear aesthetic priorities and realistic expectations. Therefore, they will prefer to present otoplasty before and after photos at the very outset.

Once the patient knows what otoplasty can or cannot do for them, they can make a better decision. Such patients will be able to appreciate the final results in a better way, and feel more satisfied. Dedicated facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Yavrouian receives patients from Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills CA, and nearby areas for otoplasty.

Website Pictures

If the plastic surgeon has their own practice website, they have an opportunity to provide otoplasty before and after photos on the site under a separate section called “Image Gallery.” New patients can conveniently access the photos online, and then choose whether to make an otoplasty appointment with the surgeon. Photos can also be disseminated for wider exposure via social media photo sharing websites such as Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram.

What is really special about these digital pictures is that patients can undermine that old feeling of anxiety that patients used to get before the widespread use of digital photos. Now patients can be calmer and more relaxed since they know how this surgery will turn out. Yes they have spoken with the surgeon but they did not have to rely so much on the spoken word from the surgeon since they were able to see with precise detail what to expect from signing up for this surgery. This is better for everyone involved.

For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

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