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Botox Before And After Photos

Botox Before And After PhotosBotox is the number one facial anti-aging procedure for people who want to avoid facial cosmetic surgery. At the time of initial consultation, the Botox treatment provider will explain the benefits and limitations of the injectable procedure to help the patient make an informed choice.

The provider may also provide Botox before and after photographs at the time of initial consultation. These photos can help the patient to understand various aspects of the injectable treatment in a better way.

Diligent facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian provides Botox to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and surrounding communities.


What are Botox Before and After Images?

Before and after images in case of Botox refer to a pair or group of pictures pertaining to an earlier patient who has received the same injectable treatment with satisfactory results. The pictures include images taken prior to the treatment and after the treatment at a time when the initial redness and swelling has been resolved and full effects in the treated sites are visible.

The treatment provider will obtain these photographs with the consent of the patient and present them before new patients in a discreet manner. The patient’s identity may be kept confidential as per the standard protocol. The only purpose of the provider is to use the photos as a visual tool to explain various aspects of Botox injections to new patients and help them make an informed and prudent choice.

The real achievement here is digital technology. This will be mentioned down below as well but the innovation of digital technology has made much of this possible. Now anyone can see what to expect before they call anyone. This really has expanded the playing field since many people think about having procedures like this done they just do not want to speak about it.



When a candidate is considering Botox treatment for the first time, they may be concerned about how it will improve their facial signs of aging, and whether it will meet their personal aesthetic goals. Some patients may need only a minor treatment to reduce frown lines, while some others may require a more intensive treatment to reduce forehead lines and crow’s feet as well.

In some cases, Botox injections may be provided in conjunction with other surgical or non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures. With the help of Botox before and after photos, the surgeon will be able to ensure that the patient makes the right choices and that everyone is on the same page.

The awesome aspect of this is that these pictures are so revealing that a patient can predict the future by applying what they see on their screen to their actual face. Another electrifying aspect of this situation is that with the proliferation of the Internet a patient can see these pictures while they are stopped at a red light or sitting at home on their favorite chair.

This means that when Dr. Yavrouian and his staff meet a potential patient that patient is more informed and does not have to rely on some vague pictures on a brochure, for example, to make this incredible decision. This is better for everyone involved. Now a patient can make a highly personal decision without everyone in their family from finding out and so forth.


Realistic Expectations

Experienced treatment providers recognize that best outcomes in any aesthetic procedure are generally achieved when the patient has a positive outlook, clear goals and realistic expectations.

Therefore, they may prefer to present Botox before and after photos at the very outset to ensure that the patient knows exactly what to expect and what not to expect from the treatment. This will minimize the chances of any disappointment or misunderstanding occurring at a later stage.


Photos on the Web

The treatment provider has the option to provide Botox before and after photos on their practice website which is the case here. The website of Dr. Yavrouian is notable and transparent for all patients. The photos have been uploaded in a dedicated Photo Gallery section. New patients can simply access these photos online in the privacy of their home or office, and then decide whether to visit the practice for a personal Botox consultation as already highlighted.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Eric Yavrouian receives patients from Pasadena, Burbank, Greater Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA, and other towns and communities across the horizon for Botox.For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

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