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About Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy)

Facelift Surgery 

About Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy)From an aesthetic point of view, the most important part of the human body is the face. It not only defines the looks, but also provides a unique identity to each individual. As the most visible part of the body, the face also reflects the signs of aging more conspicuously. That explains the popularity of facelift cosmetic surgery or rhytidectomy as an effective solution to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the face.

Face has a complex structure with several distinct features, which must remain in harmony with each other. Therefore, any facial surgery such as facelift should ideally be performed by a qualified and experienced facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon only. Dr. Eric Yavrouian is a facial plastic surgeon providing state of the art procedures of the face and neck to patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, CA, and nearby locations.

What is a Facelift?

Facelift is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at restoring a more youthful looking face through surgical removal of loose skin and redistribution of excess fat. In some cases, the procedure may also involve tightening of underlying facial muscles. The procedure is typically performed on patients in the age group of 35 to 65, and usually takes at least five to 10 years off the face in case of a full facelift.

Sometimes the facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon may recommend a combination of facelift and neck lift to provide more harmonious looking results. Upper face procedures such as forehead lift, eyelid lift, or rhinoplasty may also be performed in conjunction with a facelift surgery. Patients in Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, CA, and surrounding areas have an opportunity to receive facelift from Dr. Yavrouian.

Good Candidates

Any adult who is bothered by the appearance of loose facial skin, wrinkles and fine lines, loss of facial volume in certain areas, and folds in the face or neck areas may be a good candidate for a facelift.

Ideal candidates would have some amount of skin elasticity intact in order to achieve best results. The patient should be a non-smoker or ready to quit smoking several weeks prior to the surgery, and should not be suffering from any such medical condition that may pose risk during surgery.

Facelift Techniques

The traditional facelift surgery technique involves removal of excess skin and fat in the mid face, lower face and neck. Weak muscles may be tightened through the incision. This technique is designed to improve conditions such as drooping mid face and jowls, lines beneath lower eyelids, smile lines, and double chin.

A relatively less invasive facelift technique is called endoscopic facelift. This involves the insertion of a miniature camera through a small incision, which allows the surgeon to view the underlying facial structures on a monitor. Targeted surgery can be performed through a minor incision without opening the full skin with a long incision.


Patients will experience mild pain and discomfort during the first week, which can be addressed with pain medications. Sutures and drains are removed around the end of first week. Most patients can go back to work or resume their regular activities in about seven to 10 days.

For more information about treatments and procedures by Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Eric J. Yavrouian, serving patients in and around Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank and the Greater Los Angeles, CA area call 818-241-2150 or click here to contact him for a consultation.

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